VK Tech Solution have quality-minded staff, consisting of consultants, graphic artists, designers, developers and programmers, who have the abilities and experience to create successful solutions for your needs.


Samruddhi Bhavan FF-115, Opp. Bombay Petrol Pump, Gondal Road, Rajkot - 360002, Gujarat (India)

How it Works

G lobalwizahub is your one-stop destination for assisting Indian students with their study abroad plans. Our core mission is to make your dream to study overseas become a reality with expert support and invaluable guidance. We have an extensive network and partnerships with world-renowned Institutes to provide you with the education, exposure, and placements you need.

Our team of Overseas Education Experts provides comprehensive guidance and instruction on the above-mentioned programs, including work permits, student visas, international education applications, visa applications, and much more. Our team is knowledgeable about every possible aspect of country immigration and its related regulations.

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